Monday, November 30, 2009


So, a few of you already know this, but I wanted to take the time to update the rest of you. The Friday before Thanksgiving, the company Pete works for announced that they are closing their doors by the end of the year. Thankfully, they wanted Pete to stay on until the end, and if he does that he gets a severance package. Pete's been looking for other job opportunities for several months because things have been terrible at work for quite some time. Currently, he has two solid leads that are looking very promising that would mean staying here in Xenia and having an income before the severance runs out. We're confident that God has our future firmly in His hands and we're just trying to wait and trust in Him--while, of course, doing everything we can on our part as well. Please join us in praying for clear direction for our family! Mostly, just that we would honor God through whatever He has for us.
Thanks so much!

In other news, tomorrow begins December!!! I've got dreams of doing something exciting and Christmas focused each day, but reality and two little boys under the age of 5 mean that it will probably be more like 1-2 a week. I'll be sure to take pics and update often! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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