Monday, March 26, 2012

Sam and those fingers

He's been sucking his fingers since he was about 10 weeks old. Apparently I didn't snap many pictures of it that early. Since we're trying to say goodbye to this habit this week, I decided to stroll down memory lane and flip through the old pics of Sam. Here are a few of my favorites:
Before he could even sit up well on his own:
While chillin' in the old double stroller:
Sucking those fingers while snuggling with his big brother:
During a long drive to Virginia:
While Alison and Brendan got married:
PopPop was helping him check out the new Tag Reader Map at Christmas and yet, he still finds those fingers to suck on:
While veggin' with his brothers last summer:
And right before a nap not too many weeks ago:

But here we have Sam today. Fingers with bandaids in an attempt to break the habit:
I'll keep you posted on his progress! He's already asked me at least 5 times if we can take the bandaids off, could get a bit dicey over here!

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