Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the things he says...

Many people have told me to write down the things that my kids say so that I remember them later...well, here are a few noteable things that Jon has said lately:
  • "I want to drive a garbage truck when I get big--it's a 'portant job, Mommy!"
  • "I want to ride a steamroller when I get big"
  • "I want to drive in a airplane REALLY FAST when I get big" (are you sensing a theme?)

A couple of my favorites:

  • "I need a little mommy lovin'" (he says this when he's sleepy or stalling at bedtime or if he's not feeling good, or this morning when he got dizzy after spinning around in circles!)
  • "I want Jesus to help me go potty!"
  • "Will you pray to me, Mommy?" (he means with or for, but he's barely three, so he gets his prepositions mixed up--he doesn't want me to actually pray TO him)
  • "Can we sing of the mercies of the Lord some more?" (after singing along to the song that goes "I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever...")

This is such a fun age--minus the potty training woes! I'm trying to enjoy it!

Here's a short (1 minute) clip of Jon telling me of his plans for the day in his play car:

By the way, Sam is doing some really cute things too--he's loving peek-a-boo and tackling his big brother and mom and dad. I'll have to get some pics or video of some of that soon! Poor second child, doesn't get nearly as much attention as the first!

1 comment:

The Brown Family Blog said...

oooh...I definitely want Christa's recipe. Thanks for reminding me about that one!
My friends and are are starting/creating a "cooking club". We are going to meet once a month to exchange and try out each other recipes...I so wish you were here...I know you'd so be into this!
Can't wait to see you guys in a couple more weeks!