Friday, December 5, 2008

Holiday Fun, pt. 1

Here's the quick recap of our past 10-12 days:
Monday before Thanksgiving: Jon is on day 6 of a very high fever, so he gets to visit the doctor. Turns out he has an ear infection
Tuesday: get Christmas tree, decorate Christmas tree, Pete's folks, grandparents and our sister-in-law and niece and nephew arrive.
Wednesday: Christmas celebration with the Gross side of the family. Probably my favorite part of this was how much fun Jon, Sam, Maddie and Caed had playing together--they were precious! :)
Thursday: Thanksgiving with the Ross side of the family
Friday: Thanksgiving with the Shellhaas side of the family (Pete's mom's side)
Saturday: A little more time with my extended family, then my parents and my little brother came home with us
Sunday: My dad and Matt head back to Virginia, but my mom stays and gets to visit our church with us
Monday -Thursday: Mom and the boys and I did various things in and around was so fun having her here. :) Oh and added bonus, she watched the boys so that Pete and I could have a date night on Tuesday. Can't beat that! :)
And that brings us to, I need to bake some bread and clean my house for a progressive dinner that we're hosting tomorrow...but instead I am procrastinating, blogging, emailing, playing with kids, etc...

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