Monday, February 28, 2011

One Thousand Gifts--Multitude Mondays

God sends her posts to me at just the right times and reminds me that He is in everything.
Seriously, if you have just 2 minutes to read it, it will encourage you. If you have longer and quiet, that would be even better, but regardless, you should read it.

~a husband who sees how much his words affect our boys and strives to use those words for His glory
~little boys who love each other and play well together SO often
~little boys who say things incorrectly and make me laugh
~a book available at the library just in time to encourage me in this homeschooling journey
~words of encouragement and challenge from a friend who loves me enough to say that she understands and not excuse my sin, but that I should try to do better (in His strength of course)
~talking about theology with my husband while our 3 and 5 year olds jump and run all around us
~baby giggles
~nap time
~hot water being readily available to us, most of the time!
~baby gas relief drops being delivered just in time
~moments of quiet reflection in the midst of the chaos around here

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