Jon was obsessed with letters when he was little and basically taught himself to read at 4. It made me a bit nervous about how I would teach Sam, who didn't care about letters or reading but just wants to run and play, to read. Thankfully, in the past couple months he has started to care and to desire to learn to read. So we read some Bob books--
the first set, if you're curious--and I've been putting more easy readers in front of him. This past week he decided he wanted to read
Thomas and the Jet Engine, a level one reader from the library, on his own. He knows the story line from the movie and the book version is brilliant because it includes lots of fun words like "peep" "woosh" "vroom" and "zoom." Sam, in all his goofiness, loves to read this book to us and does it with way more expression than I would have guessed from our emerging reader. Here's a picture of him reading it to his daddy the other night. I definitely don't want to forget this moment:
Joining the girls at Homeschool Creations and 1+1+1=1 again this week
Sweet! The emergent reading age is adorable and fun, a little challenging though to find books that challenge but aren't too hard.
We've enjoyed the Mo WIllems Piggie & Elephant books for some very fun reading... more sight words. And Bob books are too fun, my little emergent reader pulled some of ours out on Saturday night;)
Yay for beginning reading! I remember those days...sometimes thought it would never arrive...sort of like graduating from potty training...
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