Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a week!!--and it's only Wednesday night

This will be a short update...We were able to get in the house on Monday evening, since then I'm not really sure where to start...we've stripped wallpaper and border in two rooms and spackled and sanded. I've primed and painted the top half of one room. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll get the other room and a half done. Pete's mom came down to help do as much of this as possible before we move in on Saturday. She's probably the most efficient person/hardest worker that I've ever met. However, Tuesday night she went out to eat and midway through last night discovered that she had eaten something bad. Poor thing was up most of the night vomiting and well...use your imagination. She slept off and on most of today. Here's a few pics of the progress...don't worry, that paint is wet, it should dry darker. The first two are the before, then the during, then the while the paint is drying...after pics to come after the furniture is in and curtains are up, etc...
I'm off to catch some z's before tomorrow comes!


CRCJMAB said...

Cute! I had no idea that you had a new blog! Must have missed a few! Love the curtains!

How is your summer going?

Dee said...

love the red!!! :)

linnea said...

Heather, I love the red! Reminds me of our Ohio State basement! Can't wait to see final pics!