Monday, June 28, 2010

Multitude Monday--Gratitude and Thankfulness when I don't feel like it

I've been following Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience for several months now and I'm always challenged by what she shares. Today she spoke of losing our culture as believers and shared that her husband--the Farmer--said he thinks he lost the culture of his family when his parents didn't teach him the language. Today, I've had a bad attitude. My husband is traveling. I was violently ill with a stomach bug Saturday night and still feel a bit tired and achy. My kids didn't get enough sleep over the weekend b/c of a sweet cousins wedding, thus they have been a bit on the cranky side today. Those were my excuses, but frankly, there are so many, many things that I have to be thankful for today and I need to ditch my self-pity and exchange it for gratitude. I need to teach my kids the language of our Savior and it doesn't include self-pity or complaining. So, I'm joining Ann and many others in Multitude Monday and sharing things that I'm thankful for today:
holy experience
#1 a gorgeous sunset outside my window #2 a husband that calls at least once a day when he's out of town #3 two precious little boys that I get to take care of daily #4 air conditioning and cool house for this pregnant mama #5 precious family that calls to send birthday wishes #6 a toddler that seems to actually be understanding potty training #7 a Heavenly Father who loves me too much to let me wallow #8 wonderful women who come to study the Bible with me weekly #9 fresh fruit in the summer time #10 a compassionate 4 year old who wants to help take care of me when I'm not feeling well #11 family that is moving closer soon (Lord-willing) #12 beautiful weather that's perfect for little boys who have way too much energy for their mama! #13 cereal (and various other foods) for that craving I get every night around now! there are more and I will come back and add to this next Monday.


linnea said...

I love you, Heather! This was beautifully said and such a good reminder for us all! Thank you for sharing. <3

Anonymous said...

Thanks you for sharing your blahs and new attitude. We DO have so much to be thankful for and as a read earlier, "Our God is mindblowingly faithful"!

Everday Edwards said...

Great Post! I came across your blog today and wanted to say hi.
